Work in progress Animal Crossing: New Leaf save manager & editor for the Nintendo 3DS!
LeafEdit is a work in progress Animal Crossing: New Leaf & Wild World save manager and editor for the Nintendo 3DS!
Features include:
- Edit player appearance such as Hairstyle, Haircolor, Facetype, Tan, and more
- Edit player bank, wallet, islandmedals and meow coupons
- Edit the Items from your Pocket, Dresser, Islandbox, and Storage
- Edit the Pattern from the Players
- Edit your existing Villagers
- Edit the Town Map, Acres & Townflag
- See this feature list for more details

Main Developers
- SuperSaiyajinStackZ: App idea and main developer of LeafEdit
- antoine62: French
- Chips: Portuguese
- Daniyel33: Spanish
- David Pires: Portuguese
- edo9300: Italian
- Pk11: Japanese, some English
- lemonnade0: Lithuanian
- StackZ: German and English
- YoSoy: Spanish
- XxPhoenix1996xX: Spanish
- Cuyler36, Slattz, NLTK, ACSE: For the acres, face, hair, items and villagers sprites which are available here
- devkitPro: For devkitARM, Citro2D, Citro3D and Libctru
- FlagBrew/piepie62: For helping out by problems and PKSM-Core’s Save Structure inspiration, LeafEdit’s Core Structure is very similar to the one from PKSM-Core
- Flame: The name idea of LeafEdit
- Kodtiz3D: For the icon and the banner
- LeafEdit-Core: The save editing code comes from here. Credits to all the contributors from LeafEdit-Core
- Pk11: For being a big help
- RedShyGuy: For some useful AC:NL offsets for the core
- TotallyNotGuy: For the amazing graphic work!
- Universal-Updater: Download code being ported from this app